Sub Promotion

[마케도니아] 엔켈레자(Enklejda) 선교사님 편지

  • Mazedonien
  • Aug 03, 2014
  • 82142

Dear Pastor of Vienna Church,

Praying and hoping you all are enjoying God’s presence everyday in your life.

It’s a great joy for me to share what God is doing among us in knowing and walking with him.


 My name is Elfrida . We as a family come from an Orthodox background and we celebrate Easter and Christmas, but that's all. In our house we never had the Bible and feasts were turned into a routine without knowing the meaning they had. First time I read the Bible was when I was in college because I found a small book of my older sister and I read the Psalms and Proverbs. It was great what I was reading, and those were God's words directing. Not having a Bible of my own and someone to talk to about God, everything remained the same. When I started school in Tirana and whenever I felt alone or facing difficulties I went to Church.  I went there with the hope that I would find the Lord and He would help me, but I didn't even know how to pray.

 In November 2012 after numerous visits with the doctor, I was diagnosed with displacement of a vertebra. At that time I could not walk anymore and after the disease had blocked the right foot, the doctor gave me orders to stay off my feet for a month. During these days while I was sick, someone invited me  to church and my life changed, but being in the situation I was, those words didn't had  much importance to me . In January 2013 I began to go in the church meetings. I was amazed by the people there, and for the love and gratitude they had for God and for the love and warmth they showed me.

In each meeting I learnt about God, about the love He had for the world, and about His Son Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. In May 2013,  the last visit I had at the doctor, he told me that I should  have a surgery  and in  Albania this intervention wasn't impossible and that it was very dangerous . This was the moment that I placed my faith in God because no one else could help me.


My life began to change rapidly and everything else took a turn. God is indeed faithful. In October 2013 I was baptized declaring before others that I believe in God and from that day I am taking care for the new creation that is within me by being fed with God's word.


This is Elfrida's testimony, how God opened her heart towards him. Now she is taking the time thinking and praying to be in full time ministry in our church. She is very active and brings too much joy to me and to our team, seeing God’s work in her life. You can pray for the all process that God will lead her according to his will, and He will provide for our church to have her full time soon.


I’m enjoying what is doing in our small church but is growing in faith and I’m happy to see people coming closer to God.

We (me and Bara) have been going to visit women in their homes. With some of them Bara as started a bible study with those that are ready to study the bible, some of them are started to come in our church.


Pray for them to cam closer to God and to make the decision to believe in Jesus. (Shpresa, Rudina, Pashije) they are studying the bible with Bara.

One day Pashije came to the main service at church and at the end she asked me, where is the offering box because I have been reading in the bible and God is telling me to give many to God because when He is opening the mind to understand we have to do what He is telling us to obey Him. I was so surprised and encouraged in the same time to see how God can open her heart as she is reading the bible. She comes every week and have bible study every week in her home.  


We head the women day at 8 March , and the mothers of the teenager girls that I have bible study with them every week came to the meeting( Arta , Shpresa, Marjeta, Albina )

Pray for them as we meet God will open the heart to understand the gospel. It was a great meeting for our women in the church but and for the nonbelievers.


Thank God for your love, prayers, commitment and financial support through which God has made possible our service and living!


In His Love and Grace

Enklejda Viso

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[마케도니아] 황자선 선교사님 편지

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[마케도니아] 황자선 선교사님 편지 (2)

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황자선 선교사님의 선교편지입니다. (2)

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비엔나 한인교회
Evangelische Koreanische Gemeinde Wien
Schützengasse 13, A-1030 Vienna, Austria

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