Sub Promotion

[마케도니아] 엔켈레자(Enklejda) 선교사님 편지

  • Mazedonien
  • Feb 08, 2012
  • 6452

Immanuel “God with us “

Hello dear friends!
I hope and pray that God is giving you joy , love, peace and anything else you need in these time. I pray for everyone that the love of God will fill your hearts and will care for you and your families too.
Christmas was special for me this year. It was the first Christmas that some students dared to wish us for this celebration. Other times they did not wish us on the right day, but a bit later. It was the first time on Christmas day that they wish us.. It may seem a small thing when you listen about such a thing, but to experience it, it fills you with hope and peace that God is working in the hearts of students even in these small things, which for us doesn’t seem a big thing, but for them is a big step. We closed the year by having a party together with students and it was a very good time, having some fellowship with each other.

This year, we began with a bible course on the Gospel of Matthew from Dr. Blomberg. I am satisfied with the general view that he gave and explained on this gospel. It was a step more in depth knowledge of the Word of God and in personal relationship. It helped us to understand and recognize the profound promise of God, The Immanuel "God with us" and many other things. It is a very beautiful experience when God reveals in our heart and mind His truths, and make us go more deeply into His promises every day.
It is time now for students to have their exams, and we have time to pray and plan for the second half of the year. You can pray together with us that we will know to plan according to God's plan.
We will understand the ideas that come from God. For each of us that we will be attentive and sensitive to God’s voice.
For a refreshing and renewed relationship in the presence of God. That we will continue to insist in prayer by faith every day, as a team together and also individually


Our big team in Macedonia ( we are Macedonians, Albanians , Americans ) serving all together   among students 




[마케도니아] 황자선 선교사님 편지

Mazedonien   2009.11.13   10832 Readed 


[마케도니아] 황자선 선교사님 편지

Mazedonien   2009.07.08   9839 Readed 


[마케도니아] 황자선 선교사님 편지 (2)

Mazedonien   2009.03.16   11240 Readed 


황자선 선교사님의 선교편지입니다. (2)

Mazedonien   2008.12.22   13538 Readed 

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